Saturday, February 18, 2012

Woman dies of heart attack caused by shock of waking up at her OWN funeral

 This article is about a lady that had died at her own funeral. This all happened when Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov that was 49 years old husband that name is Fagili Mukhametzyanov that is 51 years old said that his wife eyes fluttered and he immediately rushed her to the hospital, but she had only lived for 12 mins when she was at the hospital. Then later on, the husband was told that his wife had died of a heart attack after she’d collapsed at home suffering from chest.  
So he had ask how did all this happened, and the doctors said that the day of her funeral while they was praying over her body, she heard the noise and crying and woke up screaming as she relised where she was.
Now this is so confusing to me because I have always thought that when I person died they always clean out that person body before their burial/ funeral, and if they  had done all of this then they would have known for sure if she was dead are alive but I guess they didn’t are its just that people in Russia do not clean a person body out , they bury them as if is….. Weird!!


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