Sunday, February 5, 2012

College Says It Exaggerated SAT Figures for Ratings

How would you feel to know that a student took your spot in a collage that u always wanted to go by cheating their self in and you work so hard? There had been a issue saying that Claremont McKenna College has been submitted false SAT scores for the past six years.  The critical thinking and math scores reported to the U.S news and others saying that the scores were generally inflated by an average of 10-20 points each, also if a student was to score a median score of 1,400 on their test it would be reported as 1,410, while the 75th percentile score of 1,480 would be reported as 1,510. Also because of such a small difference in the score can influence the ranking, most colleges fret over the loss of even a notch or two against their competitor.                

This issue is causing a lot of college staff and student to worry because they are working hard against student who is not and they are the ones getting their way in most school, also such a issue as this can affect another career by putting someone ahead of them that doesn’t deserve to be there. This issue needs to stop as soon as possible because it is causing a strain on us as students.

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