During the time from Face
book I would say it has been nerves rocking and then I would say it hasn’t been
that hard. The reason I say it has been nerves rocking is because I have this Face
book app on my phone and whenever I get a notification, message, poke etc it
come straight to my phone and I be upset when it something interesting come to
my phone and I cannot look at it, also when some of my friends in Jamaica who hasn’t
seen my status that I update saying I won’t be on Face book for 7 days have
been sending me message, and I just know that they are probably saying what is
up with me , one more thing is that the seniors just went to prom and I cannot
see their pictures because I can’t go on face book. I just feel like I am
missing out on a lot and I’m just left out.
The other reason why I stated
it hasn’t been that bad is because the example Mr. Morean gave us in class about
the girl who woke up in the middle of the night wanted to tweet, I had thought
that something similar would had happened to me as in me just getting mad and
upset about the whole thing and would just go on Face book regardless, but I go
through my day fine and also night without being extremely mad but I do get
upset at the same time.
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